Pastar Fanzine for Garofalo
Garofalo est une marque de pâtes italiennes historique. Née en 1789, à Gragnano, Italie, elle est une marque de pâtes luxueuse, populaire autant au quotidien que dans les restaurants. Ce Fanzine incarne le luxe et l’impertinence de la griffe.
Garofalo is a historical Italian pasta Brand. Born in 1789, Gragnano Italy, it is a luxurious pasta brand, as popular in daily-life as in restaurants. This Fanzine embodies the label’s luxury and cheekiness.
Le point de départ du fanzine est l’ingrédient des pâtes : le blé, qui en argot signifie Argent. Alors manger des pâtes Garofalo signifie que nous somme riches. Mais pas seulement riches d’argent, nous sommes riches d’art, riches de tradition, riches d’attitude, riches d’humour, riches de partages…
This fanzine’s starting point is the main ingredient : wheat, blé in French, which means money in slang. Therefore eating Garofalo Pasta means we are rich. But not only with wealth but also rich with art, rich with tradition, rich with attitude, rich with humor, rich with sharing…
A whimsical fanzine, full of humor and artistic references, adapted to Garofalo’s luxury brand universe.
This project was directed as a graduation project at Intuit.lab