Boys and Girls and everything in between
This 160 pages book, created for the Paris Design Week, is a personal rendition and reflection about gender.
Its purpose is to question the influences of fashion and clothes in the perception and definition of gender by millenials (queer) kids. It has entered the art books collection of the Kandinsky Library of Centre Pompidou, the modern art museum in Paris.
A book, almost like a personnal journal, exploring how clothing defines or doesn’t define gender.
The starting point of this book was « Une semaine dans mes fringues » ( A week in my threads ). As clothing has become a way to show one’s identity over human’s history, I wanted to share my journey about understanding and building an identity arround the idea of gender. As this subject is very personal, I chose to produce everything in this publication on my own from the texts, the styling, the pictures, to the designs. The book ends up being a portrait, depicting a specific age and community where many kids try to redefine social construct to discover their own selves.